- 类型 :
整线解决方案特点(Whole line solution features):
1. 适用范围广:覆盖了定子直径180-260mm,定子长度90-210mm。
1.Wide application:Covers the stator diameter 180-260 mm, stator length 90-210 mm
2. 模块化设计:如在同一工位可根据客户要求采用不同的去漆皮方式-机械式,激光,或两者组合。
2.Modular design:If in the same station can be used according to customer requirements of different ways to remove the paint-mechanical, laser, or a combination of the two
3. 快速换型:可实现不同外径及长度的定子并线生产(直径180-220,长度90-210)
3.Quick changeover:Can achieve different outside diameter and length of the stator parallel production (diameter 180-220, length 90-210)
4. 柔性化: 设备柔性化,利于产线升级改造,减少投资。
4.Flexibility:Equipment flexibility, is conducive to upgrading the production line, reduce investment.
5. 设备定位: 设备定位于中高端,以工艺稳定效率高为追求目标。设计理念来自于德国,核心部件均为进口中高端品牌。
5.Device positioning: The equipment is located in the middle and high end, with the goal of stable and high efficiency. Design concept from Germany, the core components are imported high-end brands.